The access, browsing and/or use of this web site Anyo New Generation, S.L. (hereinafter Folie's) confers the status of USER, laying accepts, from such access, browsing and/or use, the General Conditions of Use set forth herein, without prejudice to the application independently of the correspondent normative of legal obliged fulfillment according to the case.
These conditions govern the access, browsing and use of this website and the provision of information that is in it, where appropriate, by its clients and other network users.
The USER agrees not to use this website or the information provided therein for performing of activities contrary to law, morals, good customs or public order, or likely to cause injury to the rights of thirds or to the proper operation of this website, and undertakes to make appropriate use of content and services under these conditions.
Similarly, the USER is responsible for providing true and lawful information in the record that is necessary to access certain services or content, as well as the use of passwords you have obtained as a result of this record, pledging to make a diligent and confidential use of them.
In this site the USER will find links to other websites through different buttons, links, etc., which are managed by third parties. Folie's is not responsible of the content or made publicly available websites services to which the USER can access through these links, and declares that not exercise any control over such sites and content. Also, Folie's doesn’t guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy, comprehensiveness, accuracy, validity and legality of any materials or information contained in these links or other Internet sites.
Folie's declares have adopted all necessary measures to avoid any damage to the USER of its website that may arise from browsing through it. Therefore, Folie's is not responsible, in any case, for any damage that by browsing the Internet could suffer the USER.
Folie's fulfills safety standards levels for the protection of personal data legally required by Spanish Law 15/1999, dated December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), Spanish Royal Decree 1720/2007, dated December 21, by approving the implementing Regulations of the Organic Law, Spanish Law 34/2002, dated July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), and other applicable regulations at all times, and seeks to ensure proper use and handling of USER's personal data. However, the USER should be aware that Internet security measures are not foolproof.
Folie's commits to not to use the personal data processed for incompatible purposes with those for which the data were collected.
The personal data that are provided by the form available at the link "Send to a friend" and the personal data that are provided by email using the form available on the "Contact" form are not recorded in any files or databases, they are used only for the purpose for which they were collected, that is, for the email's delivery with the selected content, in the first case, and for the purpose of responding to the request, in the second case. In compliance with article 4 of Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data dated December 13, 1999 (LOPD), these data will be cancelled once the purpose for which they were collected is fulfilled.
Folie's, by itself or as an assignee, owns all rights to intellectual and industrial property derived from all text, images, as well as ways and means of presentation and layout of your website (pictures, drawings, graphics, trademarks or logos, trade names, texts, documents, audio, video and software, databases, etc.). All website contents are adequately protected by the rules of intellectual and industrial property and registered in public records, being applicable both Spanish and EU regulations in this field, such as international treaties on the matter and signed by Spain. All rights reserved.
In compliance with the Law on Intellectual Property, reproduction, distribution, public communication and use of all or part of the contents of this website, is expressly prohibited without the express consent of Folie's. The USER undertakes to respect the intellectual and industrial property rights Folie's ownership. Unauthorized use of the information contained on this website, and any breach of the rights of intellectual or industrial property will result in legal action.
Folie's reserves the right to make unannounced changes it deems appropriate in its website, may change, delete or add content and services provided through the same as the way in which they are presented or located on the website.
Folie's may change at any time the conditions specified here and later publishing them. The validity of these conditions shall be according to their exposure and are valid until they are modified by other duly published.
Folie's is not responsible under any circumstances of damages of any kind which may cause, between others, errors or omissions in the content, unavailability of your website or transmission of virus or malware programs in the content, despite having taken all necessary technological measures to prevent it.
Folie's reserves the right to refuse or withdraw access to its website and/or services offered without notice, on its own or a third party, to those users who violate these Terms of Use.
Folie's reserves the right to exercise all civil and criminal actions it deems appropriate for breach of these conditions and any misuse of your website.
The relationship between Folie’s and the USER will be governed by Spanish legislation and the Courts of the city of Alicante will be the competent institutions to decide any dispute that might arise between Folie's and the USER.